Ghosting on Facebook Marketplace

As I was getting ready to move across the country, I started getting rid of a lot of my stuff. Facebook Marketplace, of course, was the way to go, although I made use of other Buy/Sell/Trade/Free and Buy Nothing groups. Facebook Marketplace, by far, was the most successful platform.

I was delighted by the kinds of things I was able to get rid of on there. For instance, I was wondering what to do with a large bowl I had that was chipped. Someone on the zero waste subreddit suggested I put it on Facebook marketplace, say it’s chipped, but say that it can used for plant pot base or painting. And sure enough, someone stopped by to pick it up. I had a bunch of old and worn out handbags that I put up there, and I got many inquiries. After I explained to them to please be aware that these were not new (mostly frayed, but still in usable condition), and most of them would immediately not respond. But one person did come pick them up even afterwards. I don’t know what they wanted the bags for, but as long as they don’t end up in a landfill, I’m fine with it. (The reason I’d rather give them away on Marketplace rather than donate to Goodwill is because I’m pretty sure Goodwill will trash items they can’t sell; and while people might be willing to pick up old and worn out items that are free, I doubt they will pay money for those.)

Which brings me to the ghosting. A few weeks ago, I wrote about the culture of ghosting in dating apps (and in dating in general) on this blog, but I really hadn’t stopped to think about the fact that ghosting absolutely goes beyond the dating market. It totally happens on Facebook Marketplace!

People will start the conversation by clicking the button that says “Is this item still available?” And it will appear to be as if the potential buyer is asking that question rather than a Facebook-generated text. I would then say “Yes”. Sometimes that would be it. They wouldn’t even grace me with a “OK nvm.”

Sometimes the conversation goes further. They ask for the address and then they don’t reply. Presumably because it’s not a convenient location for them. But the worst is when they have asked me all kinds of questions about the item (this happened with a jewellery box that I was giving away), expressed genuine interest in it, and then all of a sudden stopped responding. In those situations, I’m left unsure what to do. Should I hold the item for this person? Or just give it to the next interested buyer? I was forced to do the latter. But really, would it kill them to drop a “sorry, I think I’ll pass”?

Anyways, in the large scheme of things, these are just minor gripes. Overall, I had a good experience on Facebook marketplace and had reasonable satisfaction that my stuff went to people who might actually use them. I’ve also had some cute experiences. A grandma who came to pick up a bunch of stuff from me brought me a cantaloupe as a gift! She even thanked me later when she got home! Be like this grandma. Don’t be an ungracious ghost. 😜

Note: This piece has been cross-posted to my Medium blog.

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